Has One of Your Garage Door Springs Snapped?


Having a garage offers you unsurpassed convenience. Not only does it ensure that your vehicles stay protected from the changing weather elements but you also have the option of utilising this area as a living space, for storage and so much more! But part of owning a garage is ensuring that you provide the door with meticulous maintenance. For starters, routine inspections are a must so that any underlying issues are caught early. Secondly, you must enlist the services of garage door specialists who can lubricate the various moving parts while undertaking minor repairs and replacement of worn components. Failure to provide habitual upkeep increases the risk of a spring snapping, as these garage parts work together with the pulley and cable systems that allow you to open and shut your door. When this happens, you must stop using the garage door and seek repairs immediately. So how can you tell if one of your garage door springs has snapped?

Your garage door has lost its balance

Despite the massive weight of garage doors, they are supposed to maintain their balance when they are opened and closed. Functional springs are crucial for this balance since they provide the tension required to keep the doors stable. However, when you overlook regular maintenance, the springs that are tasked with this job start to lose their tautness and as a result, you may begin to notice that your garage door is making jarring movements whenever it is in motion. Moreover, you may even notice that the garage door is lopsided as it favours one end over the other. Both these issues come about when the springs lose their ability to counterbalance the enormous weight of the doors, making your garage doors a safety hazard. Therefore, the moment you suspect that your garage door has lost its balance, it is compulsory that you stop using it until a technician has replaced the broken spring.

Your garage door has visibly slackened cables

The second tell-tale sign of the imminent need for garage door repair that you should not overlook is when one or more cables are visibly sagging. Garage door cables are secured onto the brackets that are located on either side of the garage doors. The cables work in tandem with the springs to open and close the doors as needed. This movement is accomplished when the lifting force created by the springs is directed to the cables. Hence, both these components need to be in working order for you to lift or lower the garage doors. When a spring snaps, it loses the tension necessary to keep the cables taut. Consequently, you will notice that one or more cables have become slack, losing their ability to move the doors. When a garage door technician replaces the damaged springs, they will also need to retighten the affected cables.

Reach out to a garage door service in your area to learn more.


28 April 2021

Loving, Maintaining, Strengthening, Painting and Decorating Your Garage Doors

Welcome to my blog. My name is Colin, and I work in a library in a small town. As we don't have a lot of patrons, we have a lot of downtime, and I am allowed to read during that time if no shelving needs to be done. Fiction was my first love, but over years at the library, I have delved into a range of other topics, including ones I thought would never interest me. In particular, I have done a lot of reading on garage doors, which is a surprisingly interesting topic. I wanted to create a blog so decided to throw my focus there. I hope you like these tips and ideas on garage doors and that they help you.